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Logging Services

Forestry Operation

EFP uses a cut-to-length harvesting system, which means trees are cut, delimbed, and cut to a specific  length in the woods and then hauled to a local mill.  This is accomplished using EFP's John Deere Hot Saw and/or Ponsse Ergo Harvester.  (The Ponsse harvester can complete these steps on it's own, but the Hot Saw increases efficiency of the process.) 

EFP utilizes a Ponsse Buffalo Forwarder to skid the wood to the landing where log trucks are able to access the wood to haul. 

When necessary, EFP also uses a CAT bulldozer and a John Deere skid steer and excavator to create and/or maintain woods roads needed for the logging operation.  Additional road work (ie: trails, game openings, etc.) can be done upon the landowners request.  

Marketing Timber

EFP is has a revolving 3 year contract with Verso Corporation which ensures a steady and reliable market for the wood that is harvested.  In addition to the Verso contract, EFP provides wood to other area pulp mills, including Expera Specialty Solutions (Mosinee, WI), Packaging Corporation of America (Tomahawk, WI), Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (Sagola, MI) as well as several other local sawmills, including Potlatch Land & Lumber, Pukall Lumber, Timber Creek Hardwoods, Arndt Forest Products, Zdroik Lumber, and G &G Lumber.  We communicate continuously with these entities to ensure our stumpage prices can remain fair and competitive.

Work Area

EFP usually works within Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida, & Vilas counties in Northern Wisconsin, but is open to discussion about work in other counties.  

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